Grill Outlet > TEC Grills

TEC Grills

TEC grills are known for their research, development, and use of infra-red heat technology in their grills. The very first infra-red burner came about in 1961. Since this time they have continued to work through research to develop a great portfolio. They put emphasis on the use of the infra-red heat transfer units that are being used in their grills today. This is a sample of the type of dedication that you want to see placed into the products that you purchase for your use.

TEC Patio 1 FR Infrared Grill On Black Pedestal with Two Side Shelves and Warming Rack (PFR1LPPEDS-PFR1WR), Propane Gas

$4,526.50  in stock
2 new from $4,526.50
as of February 4, 2025 5:30 am


  • Freestanding propane gas BBQ grill
  • Heavy-duty 304 stainless steel construction
  • Efficient burner design allows infrared grilling as well as conventional radiant cooking; 30,000 BTU across 296 square inches (primary cooking surface)
  • Includes black pedestal, two side shelves, and warming rack
  • Overall size: 26 x 26.5 x 49 inches (W x D x H)

You are probably wondering why infra-red heat is the latest and greatest choice when looking at the cooking system for your grills. It wasn’t until the 1980s that this type of unit where being used in gas grills as well as commercial cooking equipment. With the infra-red heat system, you get even coverage of heat over the cooking surface. This means you don’t have some areas hotter than others. In turn, all the food cooks evenly when grilled.

How many times have you moved food around so that you can attempt to cook it all the same? You probably remember those days where you had one grilled burger that was hard and tasteless except for all the stuff that you put on it. You may have had one of the same grills that were hard on the outside and raw in the middle. With the infra-red technology, all of the meat cooks at the same temperature across the grill. So it isn’t the grill’s fault if you get a bad tasting burger!

Environmentally Better

With the ever-growing concerns about environmental health habits, it just made sense to develop a better grilling system for this company. With the infra-red system in use now grills are more energy-efficient than they have ever been. This is great when you think of not only grills but the commercial use of products with this system in them. They heat up faster and yet they use less fuel. Any product that uses less fuel is a good thing in today’s world.

Not only do they heat faster and use less fuel these grills don’t depend on hot air to transfer the heat. What this means is that foods are kept moist instead of dried out. It keeps more of the nutrients and vitamins for healthier eating. This, in turn, provides some of the best-tasting food that there is instead of a dried out piece of meat.

So if you want a grill that is known for great tasting food and environmentally friendlier than most look no further than one from this line. With over forty years of experience, this company knows what it is doing. Take a look at all the great TEC grills that there are and what they offer you now. Buy one and know that your next meal is not only great tasting but better for you and your family or friends.